A few days ago, we released a new monitoring tool to enable customers to gain deeper insight into how banks within the Open Banking ecosystem are performing. After seeing the interest in our monthly monitoring blogs, we thought why not create a tool to show the live performance of banks! After a few weeks of hard work, we have now released Yapily API Insights - an intuitive tool that would provide live statistics (updated every 2hrs), to publicly communicate the performance we see within the ecosystem.
This tool allows you see how a small collection of our bank integrations have performed over the last 7 days. We have included the average response times we provided in the monthly blogs, as this provides a good way of ranking the banks according to how fast we can retrieve transaction data, however, this metric alone doesn’t give us a true picture of the “best” bank.
In addition to this, we have also included the uptime of each of the banks over the course of the last week. We have colour coordinated the table to quickly highlight performance with thresholds of 100% indicating no downtime set to green, above 99% indicating some downtime set to amber and below 99% indicating significant downtime set to red.
Finally, we have introduced the Yapily score (YS). YS is Yapily’s overall ranking for that bank over the week (based on response time, transfer speed and uptime), allowing us to give a more holistic view of relative performance between the banks. We see this as a fairer comparison e.g. a bank that had fast requests but had significant downtime during the week will be ranked lower due to reliability issues. Whereas an institution with little or no downtime and a slightly slower response time will be ranked higher due to a more consistent performance.
A good example of this in the last week (25/07/2020 - 31/07/2020) is Bank of Ireland and Nationwide. While the average response time for BOI was 509ms and 801ms for Nationwide, we see that BOI had some days with significant downtime and as a result, ranked lower than Nationwide in the YS table.
Be sure to check out the latest statistics from the banks today! You can do this here - https://apiscore.yapily.com/
We are planning to continue to release more functions over time so feel free to leave some feedback on what metrics would be most interesting to see. We look forward to hearing your responses.